Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Aussie woman dies while walking Kokoda Track=2

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Aussie woman dies while walking Kokoda Track=2

The Victorian woman is the third Australian since 2001 to die walking the track.

The woman, trekking with Niugini Adventures that has an office in Canberra, is believed
have died at Ofi Creek only a day and a half after setting off from Owers Corner, outside
Port Moresby.

Niugini Adventures operators in PNG said they wanted the family's permission before commenting.

A medivac helicopter took her body to Port Moresby.

Former Kokoda Track Authority executive officer Warren Bartlett said there had been
a recent spate of injuries along the track.

"Since Wednesday there has been at least 12 injuries or instances where people needed
a medivac out," he said.

"There's been stomach complaints and knee injuries.

"Not just Australians but PNG porters who either had appendicitis or broke their leg
when slipping on a bridge."

In May last year, Shane Green, 32, from Perth died from a suspected heart attack shortly
after setting out on the gruelling track.

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