Friday, March 2, 2012

US Patent Issued to Family Learn on March 29 for "Online Publishing Tools" (California, Utah Inventors)

ALEXANDRIA, Va., April 5 -- United States Patent no. 7,917,848, issued on March 29, was assigned to Family Learn LLC (Provo, Utah).

"Online Publishing Tools" was invented by Neal S. Harmon (Lehi, Utah) and Joseph N. Oster (Santa Cruz, Calif.).

According to the abstract released by the U.

S. Patent & Trademark Office: "Online publishing tools, which provide browser-based publishing services available through the Internet for preparing content for publication, include a preview interface which generates and displays an accurate representation of the client's work, with proportionately correct size, font, format and positioning, as well as an edit interface which generates a less precise but editable version of the client's work. Preview files used for displaying previews on the preview interface, and which can incorporate edits made on the edit interface, include typesetting information, positioning information, hot zones information, images of text and links to omitted content. Some preview files provide preview information for less than the client's entire document that is being worked on. Interfaces are also used to move and modify sections of content contained in the body of the client's work, of any size, through simple drag and drop processes implemented on elements of a corresponding table of contents."

The patent was filed on June 14, 2006, under Application No. 11/424,218.

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