Thursday, March 1, 2012

QLD:Townsville residents take shelter

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD:Townsville residents take shelter

BRISBANE, Feb 2 AAP - All Townsville residents should now be holed up in a safe place
ahead of severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi, police say.

At midday, Assistant Police Commissioner Clem O'Regan said the first effects of Cyclone
Yasi were being felt in the north Queensland city.

"Find a place of safety and stay there," he said.

"You should be in your place of safety and be prepared to stay there for at least 24 hours."

He said all residents in areas likely to be affected by dangerous storm surges associated
with Yasi had been contacted.

Six "shelters of the last resort" had been established for those who could not find
havens with relatives or friends in the safest parts of the city.

Mayor Les Tyrell said people outside the expected storm surge should remain in their homes.

"The safest place is your place, so please stay put and bunker down in your own home."

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