Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WA: Teenager recovering in

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Teenager recovering in

A 13-year-old girl is recovering in a Perth Hospital after being mauled by a sea lion
on a West Australian beach.

ELLA MURPHY was savaged by the sea lion on Friday .. as she was being towed on a surfboard
behind a speedboat at Lancelin .. north of Perth.

Boat driver and family friend CHRIS THOMAS say the animal attacked the teenager twice
before he was able to drag ELLA to safety.

The girl's undergone emergency surgery for significant injuries to her jaw .. and almost
had a vital artery severed.

ELLA'S doctors say they're amazed her jaw wasn't broken .. and her father says his
daughter is lucky to have survived the attack.

AAP RTV ews/wz


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